
class remapp.models.AdminTaskQuestions(*args, **kwargs)

Record if admin tasks have been dealt with

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.NotPatientIndicatorsID(*args, **kwargs)

Table to record strings that indicate a patient ID is really a test or QA ID

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.NotPatientIndicatorsName(*args, **kwargs)

Table to record strings that indicate a patient name is really a test or QA name

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.SkinDoseMapCalcSettings(id, enable_skin_dose_maps, calc_on_import)
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.DicomDeleteSettings(id, del_no_match, del_rdsr, del_mg_im, del_dx_im, del_ct_phil)
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.PatientIDSettings(id, name_stored, name_hashed, id_stored, id_hashed, accession_hashed, dob_stored)
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.DicomStoreSCP(id, name, aetitle, port, task_id, status, run, keep_alive, controlled)
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.DicomRemoteQR(id, name, aetitle, port, ip, hostname, callingaet, enabled)
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.DicomQuery(id, complete, query_id, failed, message, stage, qr_scp_fk, store_scp_fk, move_complete)
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.DicomQRRspStudy(id, dicom_query, query_id, study_instance_uid, modality, modalities_in_study, study_description, number_of_study_related_series, sop_classes_in_study, station_name)
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.DicomQRRspSeries(id, dicom_qr_rsp_study, query_id, series_instance_uid, series_number, series_time, modality, series_description, number_of_series_related_instances, station_name, sop_class_in_series, image_level_move)
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.DicomQRRspImage(id, dicom_qr_rsp_series, query_id, sop_instance_uid, instance_number, sop_class_uid)
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.UserProfile(id, itemsPerPage, user, median_available, plotAverageChoice, plotInitialSortingDirection, plotCharts, plotDXAcquisitionMeanDAP, plotDXAcquisitionFreq, plotDXStudyMeanDAP, plotDXStudyFreq, plotDXRequestMeanDAP, plotDXRequestFreq, plotDXAcquisitionMeankVp, plotDXAcquisitionMeanmAs, plotDXStudyPerDayAndHour, plotDXAcquisitionMeankVpOverTime, plotDXAcquisitionMeanmAsOverTime, plotDXAcquisitionMeanDAPOverTime, plotDXAcquisitionMeanDAPOverTimePeriod, plotDXInitialSortingChoice, plotCTAcquisitionMeanDLP, plotCTAcquisitionMeanCTDI, plotCTAcquisitionFreq, plotCTStudyMeanDLP, plotCTStudyMeanCTDI, plotCTStudyFreq, plotCTStudyNumEvents, plotCTRequestMeanDLP, plotCTRequestFreq, plotCTRequestNumEvents, plotCTStudyPerDayAndHour, plotCTStudyMeanDLPOverTime, plotCTStudyMeanDLPOverTimePeriod, plotCTInitialSortingChoice, plotRFStudyPerDayAndHour, plotRFStudyFreq, plotRFStudyDAP, plotRFInitialSortingChoice, plotMGStudyPerDayAndHour, plotMGAGDvsThickness, plotMGkVpvsThickness, plotMGmAsvsThickness, displayCT, displayRF, displayMG, displayDX, plotSeriesPerSystem, plotHistogramBins, plotHistograms, plotCaseInsensitiveCategories)
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.UniqueEquipmentNames(id, manufacturer, manufacturer_hash, institution_name, institution_name_hash, station_name, station_name_hash, institutional_department_name, institutional_department_name_hash, manufacturer_model_name, manufacturer_model_name_hash, device_serial_number, device_serial_number_hash, software_versions, software_versions_hash, gantry_id, gantry_id_hash, display_name, user_defined_modality, hash_generated)
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.SizeUpload(id, sizefile, height_field, weight_field, id_field, id_type, task_id, status, progress, num_records, logfile, import_date, processtime)
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.Exports(*args, **kwargs)

Table to hold the export status and filenames

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.ContextID(*args, **kwargs)

Table to hold all the context ID code values and code meanings.

  • Could be prefilled from the tables in DICOM 3.16, but is actually populated as the codes occur. This assumes they are used correctly.
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.GeneralStudyModuleAttr(*args, **kwargs)

General Study Module C.7.2.1

Specifies the Attributes that describe and identify the Study performed upon the Patient. From DICOM Part 3: Information Object Definitions Table C.7-3

Additional to the module definition:
  • performing_physician_name
  • operator_name
  • modality_type
  • procedure_code_value_and_meaning
  • requested_procedure_code_value_and_meaning
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.ObjectUIDsProcessed(*args, **kwargs)

Table to hold the SOP Instance UIDs of the objects that have been processed against this study to enable duplicate sorting.

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.ProjectionXRayRadiationDose(*args, **kwargs)

Projection X-Ray Radiation Dose template TID 10001

From DICOM Part 16:
This template defines a container (the root) with subsidiary content items, each of which represents a single projection X-Ray irradiation event entry or plane-specific dose accumulations. There is a defined recording observer (the system or person responsible for recording the log, generally the system). A Biplane irradiation event will be recorded as two individual events, one for each plane. Accumulated values will be kept separate for each plane.
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.AccumXRayDose(*args, **kwargs)

Accumulated X-Ray Dose TID 10002

From DICOM Part 16:
This general template provides detailed information on projection X-Ray dose value accumulations over several irradiation events from the same equipment (typically a study or a performed procedure step).
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.Calibration(*args, **kwargs)

Table to hold the calibration information

  • Container in TID 10002 Accumulated X-ray dose
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.IrradEventXRayData(*args, **kwargs)

Irradiation Event X-Ray Data TID 10003

From DICOM part 16:
This template conveys the dose and equipment parameters of a single irradiation event.
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.ImageViewModifier(*args, **kwargs)

Table to hold image view modifiers for the irradiation event x-ray data table

From DICOM Part 16 Annex D DICOM controlled Terminology Definitions
  • Code Value 111032
  • Code Meaning Image View Modifier
  • Code Definition Modifier for image view
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.IrradEventXRayDetectorData(*args, **kwargs)

Irradiation Event X-Ray Detector Data TID 10003a

From DICOM Part 16 Correction Proposal CP-1077:
This template contains data which is expected to be available to the X-ray detector or plate reader component of the equipment.
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.IrradEventXRaySourceData(*args, **kwargs)

Irradiation Event X-Ray Source Data TID 10003b

From DICOM Part 16 Correction Proposal CP-1077:
This template contains data which is expected to be available to the X-ray source component of the equipment.
Additional to the template:
  • ii_field_size
  • exposure_control_mode
  • grid information over and above grid type

Converts Gy to mGy for display in web interface

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.XrayGrid(*args, **kwargs)

Content ID 10017 X-Ray Grid

From DICOM Part 16

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.PulseWidth(*args, **kwargs)

In TID 10003b. Code value 113793 (ms)

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.Kvp(*args, **kwargs)

In TID 10003b. Code value 113733 (kV)

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.XrayTubeCurrent(*args, **kwargs)

In TID 10003b. Code value 113734 (mA)

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.Exposure(*args, **kwargs)

In TID 10003b. Code value 113736 (uAs)


Converts uAs to mAs for display in web interface

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.XrayFilters(*args, **kwargs)

Container in TID 10003b. Code value 113771

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.IrradEventXRayMechanicalData(*args, **kwargs)

Irradiation Event X-Ray Mechanical Data TID 10003c

From DICOM Part 16 Correction Proposal CP-1077:
This template contains data which is expected to be available to the gantry or mechanical component of the equipment.
Additional to the template:
  • compression_force
  • magnification_factor
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.DoseRelatedDistanceMeasurements(*args, **kwargs)

Dose Related Distance Measurements Context ID 10008

Called from TID 10003c

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.AccumProjXRayDose(*args, **kwargs)

Accumulated Fluoroscopy and Acquisition Projection X-Ray Dose TID 10004

From DICOM Part 16:
This general template provides detailed information on projection X-Ray dose value accumulations over several irradiation events from the same equipment (typically a study or a performed procedure step).

Converts fluoroscopy DAP total from Gy.m2 to cGy.cm2 for display in web interface


Converts acquisition DAP total from Gy.m2 to cGy.cm2 for display in web interface

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.AccumMammographyXRayDose(*args, **kwargs)

Accumulated Mammography X-Ray Dose TID 10005

From DICOM Part 16:
This modality specific template provides detailed information on mammography X-Ray dose value accumulations over several irradiation events from the same equipment (typically a study or a performed procedure step).
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.AccumCassetteBsdProjRadiogDose(*args, **kwargs)

Accumulated Cassette-based Projection Radiography Dose TID 10006

From DICOM Part 16 Correction Proposal CP-1077:
This template provides information on Projection Radiography dose values accumulated on Cassette- based systems over one or more irradiation events (typically a study or a performed procedure step) from the same equipment.
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.AccumIntegratedProjRadiogDose(*args, **kwargs)

Accumulated Integrated Projection Radiography Dose TID 10007

From DICOM Part 16 Correction Proposal CP-1077:
This template provides information on Projection Radiography dose values accumulated on Integrated systems over one or more irradiation events (typically a study or a performed procedure step) from the same equipment.

Converts Gy.m2 to cGy.cm2 for display in web interface

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.PatientModuleAttr(*args, **kwargs)

Patient Module C.7.1.1

From DICOM Part 3: Information Object Definitions Table C.7-1:
Specifies the Attributes of the Patient that describe and identify the Patient who is the subject of a diagnostic Study. This Module contains Attributes of the patient that are needed for diagnostic interpretation of the Image and are common for all studies performed on the patient. It contains Attributes that are also included in the Patient Modules in Section C.2.
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.PatientStudyModuleAttr(*args, **kwargs)

Patient Study Module C.7.2.2

From DICOM Part 3: Information Object Definitions Table C.7-4a:
Defines Attributes that provide information about the Patient at the time the Study started.
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.GeneralEquipmentModuleAttr(*args, **kwargs)

General Equipment Module C.7.5.1

From DICOM Part 3: Information Object Definitions Table C.7-8:
Specifies the Attributes that identify and describe the piece of equipment that produced a Series of Composite Instances.
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.CtRadiationDose(*args, **kwargs)

CT Radiation Dose TID 10011

From DICOM Part 16:
This template defines a container (the root) with subsidiary content items, each of which corresponds to a single CT X-Ray irradiation event entry. There is a defined recording observer (the system or person responsible for recording the log, generally the system). Accumulated values shall be kept for a whole Study or at least a part of a Study, if the Study is divided in the workflow of the examination, or a performed procedure step. Multiple CT Radiation Dose objects may be created for one Study.
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.SourceOfCTDoseInformation(*args, **kwargs)

Source of CT Dose Information

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.CtAccumulatedDoseData(*args, **kwargs)

CT Accumulated Dose Data

From DICOM Part 16:
This general template provides detailed information on CT X-Ray dose value accumulations over several irradiation events from the same equipment and over the scope of accumulation specified for the report (typically a Study or a Performed Procedure Step).
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.CtIrradiationEventData(*args, **kwargs)

CT Irradiation Event Data TID 10013

From DICOM Part 16:
This template conveys the dose and equipment parameters of a single irradiation event.
Additional to the template:
  • date_time_started
  • series_description
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.CtReconstructionAlgorithm(*args, **kwargs)

Container in TID 10013 to hold CT reconstruction methods

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.CtXRaySourceParameters(*args, **kwargs)

Container in TID 10013 to hold CT x-ray source parameters

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.ScanningLength(*args, **kwargs)

Scanning Length TID 10014

From DICOM Part 16:
No description
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.SizeSpecificDoseEstimation(*args, **kwargs)

Container in TID 10013 to hold size specific dose estimation details

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.WEDSeriesOrInstances(*args, **kwargs)

From TID 10013 Series or Instance used for Water Equivalent Diameter estimation

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.CtDoseCheckDetails(*args, **kwargs)

CT Dose Check Details TID 10015

From DICOM Part 16:
This template records details related to the use of the NEMA Dose Check Standard (NEMA XR-25-2010).
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.ObserverContext(*args, **kwargs)

Observer Context TID 1002

From DICOM Part 16:
The observer (person or device) that created the Content Items to which this context applies.
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.DeviceParticipant(*args, **kwargs)

Device Participant TID 1021

From DICOM Part 16:
This template describes a device participating in an activity as other than an observer or subject. E.g. for a dose report documenting an irradiating procedure, participants include the irradiating device.
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.PersonParticipant(*args, **kwargs)

Person Participant TID 1020

From DICOM Part 16:
This template describes a person participating in an activity as other than an observer or subject. E.g. for a dose report documenting an irradiating procedure, participants include the person administering the irradiation and the person authorizing the irradiation.
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class remapp.models.MedianSQL(col, source=None, is_summary=False, **extra)
class remapp.models.Median(*expressions, **extra)

alias of MedianSQL